Welcome to Capital Steel Buildings
Capital Steel Buildings, the UK`s leading designer and supplier of cold formed steel buildings, supplied, delivered and erected nationwide. CSB design buildings exactly to your specification, fully compliant with British Standards. We have experienced distributors throughout the UK who will organise the design, supply and erection of your bespoke steel building, taking the project from start to finish.
As the first UK cold formed steel building supplier to be accredited the now UKCA mark, we pride ourselves on the fact all of our steel structures are appropriately engineered to the site location and wind zone producing the strongest, most robust and durable structure optimised for that location.
Our steel buildings are not supplied from stock but each is designed bespoke to the customer’s requirements. So whatever the customer needs, CSB will have a solution, whether it be a small domestic steel garage or a large industrial steel unit. Kits are delivered within 4 weeks of order placement to any location within mainland UK.
An assembly guide is provided with each kit and so it feasible for a competent customer to self-erect. Alternatively, our distributor will provide a turn-key project assisting with planning, building control, groundworks and erection.
Call us today on 0141 404 9360 to discuss your steel building requirements, to get a quote or to discuss becoming a distributor.